Gta online character
Gta online character

gta online character

Foil: The online protagonist works with Agent 14 willingly, who is hinted to be part of another government branch (though he often works with the IAA) while the three main protagonists are forced to work with the FIB, and not happy about it.This is highlighted in the non-Deathwish endings, where one of them ends up dead, the remaining two are cast aside as pawns and their clients get the far better end of the deal. Every job they do for someone else ends with them being ambushed or betrayed. Throughout the game, working for petty, pathetic criminals is a thankless and penniless affair. but only because they decided to work for themselves instead of cutting deals with everybody else to survive. That said, all three protagonists can end up with all of their problems solved, ridiculously rich, and with no real repercussions to their actions. Philips" is a reminder of how depressing and sad his life really is behind his Comedic Sociopathy and Cloudcuckoolander behavior. On the other hand, Trevor's life is shown to be pretty depressing all around, and he only finds enjoyment in it because he's too unhinged to care. Eventually, this game does this, showing that getting into this lifestyle will either bring you nothing but pain for years and destroy all your dreams (in the case of Michael) or leave you Lonely at the Top (in the case of Franklin). Outside of the heists, very few missions offer satisfying rewards, showing how petty, self-destructive and selfish anyone would have to be to behave like a GTA protagonist, along with how ultimately depressing the lifestyle itself is. Deconstructed Character Archetype: Together, the three protagonists deconstruct the mythology behind several GTA protagonists, as well as the idea behind easy money.Deadpan Snarker: All three of them are prone to making wisecracks at others.While Luis wanted to leave this lifestyle to focus on legal business, Franklin wants to be a better kind of criminal. On the other hand, Franklin marks a contrast to Luis Lopez.Unlike Johnny, Trevor was able to reconcile with Michael despite their issues while Johnny took it upon himself to kill Billy. They are also extremely loyal to their friends and have a deep hatred for the person for the root of their betrayal (Billy for Johnny, Michael to Trevor) to the point of wanting them dead. Trevor loves the criminal life and also wanted to expand his meth operations outside of Los Santos, which includes China and Mexico. Johnny has no intention of removing himself from crime, since it's all he knows, and wanted to expand his operations outside of Liberty City. Unlike Niko, who is a man who wants to get away from violence, both Michael and Trevor are much more enthusiastic in this lifestyle, especially Trevor. Both Michael and Trevor make a huge contrast when you compare them with Niko.The Online protagonist can join other players in heists. Caper Crew: The main three form a heist crew along with Lester and other individuals that go from robbing a jewelry store to the setting's equivalent of the Federal Reserve.Bash Brothers: In "Hood Safari", the heists, and "The Third Way" (if Option C is chosen).In fact, changing the radio to a different station as Trevor will (at least during scripted missions) result in him complaining about the music and automatically switching it back to the punk station. And Trevor only plays hardcore punk, reflecting his raw, angry and primal nature.Because country, as Xander Harris taught us, is the music of pain. During the stretch of the game where Michael has been kicked out of the house by Amanda, living in Trevor's trailer and driving a crappy rental car, he listens to classic country. Michael tends to listen to classic rock from the '70s and '80s, indie rock & indietronica, which emphasizes his romanticization and knowledge of the past.Franklin likes hip-hop & old-school rap, reflecting his gangbanging lifestyle.AM/FM Characterization: Each of the three main characters has a preferred musical genre that will be reflected in their default choice in radio stations.Affably Evil: Even though they're all hardened criminals who enjoy the criminal lifestyle more than other GTA protagonists (we're looking at you, Trevor), they're still nice people in general as long as you don't get in their way or threaten the people they care about.

Gta online character